I am very happy that I am a Hindu. I can talk about my religion withoutguilt. In fact, I can talk about it for ages. Rama and Krishna are worshipped as incarnations of the Lord within theHindu tradition. They did not found Hindu religion. In fact, they wereborn within the Hindu tradition, and their own lives exemplified thevalues unfolded by the Vedas. You remove Rama and Krishna. Then thereis no Hindu culture. Ayodhya and Mathura are symbols of Rama andKrishna.
The Hindu religion is the indigenous religion of India. The Hindu religion is simply a view and way of life which unfolds Dharma. Hindu Dharma is called Sanatana Dharma which is manifestation of Isvara. Itis the dharma of the Lord and therefore has no worldly beginnings orendings. This Dharma flows perennially and keeps reemerging with eachcycle of creation. If This Dharma had survived all these centuries without any governmental support and despite the support of governmentfor the aggressive traditions, it has something intrinsic.
I thought about the Dharma which has made me what I am today. I want this Dharma is kept up. There are people in the remote villages and those people are not separate from us. We have to accept them as theyare, validate them and protect them. Their worship is our form ofworship. We have to tell the people,' God is everything; God is notsitting in one corner, and all that is here is Isvara. With this understanding, one can worship God in any form. That is the reason whywe can worship a tree, animals and mountain.Hindu Dharma is like a banyan tree which had dead branches, big holesand parasites and the fact that parasites are thriving shows that it isalive. In the current situation, the intrinsic value of our dharma isnot adequate to protect itself.
To protect the dharma, the dharmi had confused, neutralized and non committal people who thought that theywere broad minded and who branded people engaged in the protection workas Hindu fundamentalist. Contemporary (modern & fashionable) Hindus have been totally neutralized, to the extent that they are unable to take a definitestand about their religion or culture. If you want to dismiss the Hindu religion, examine it properly before dismissing it. Only then can yoube considered intellectually honest.
Strength is nothing but knowing your religion and culture. Ignorant of your culture and religious tradition, you are nobody. You are just an assemblage of flesh andbones that some how manage to earn some money. Wake up! Understand your religion! Revel in your own glory.
Swamini Pramananda disciple of Pujya Swamiji says,"Sanatana Dharma is the soul of our nation. If you take away SanatanaDharma, then India is dead"
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