Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Real Purpose Behind Sabarimala Yatra

Swami Paramarthananda, ardent disciple of Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati has revealed the ultimate purpose behind Sabarimala Yatra, while delivering his Anugraha Bashyam to Ayyappa Bhaktas in a well organised meeting at Chennai on 16th December 2006 conducted by Dharma Rakshana Samithi. He has explained in his inimitable way the 18 disciplines for 18 steps of Sabarimala which lead to Moksha the ultimate goal of human life.

Sublime message of Swamiji for 18 steps

1st step- Non Violence (Ahimsa) : Not to hurt others physically, verbally or mentally

2nd step- Truth (Satyam) : Avoid speaking lies and observe straight forwardness

in all dealings.

3rd step-Non-stealing (Astheyam) : theft means not only stealing others property

but also giving lesser than what is just and needs to be given to others

4th step - celibacy (Brahmacharya): Even a family person (Gruhasta) has to follow Brahmacharyam during the period of Vratam

5th Step - Avoiding gifts (Aparigraha) : Except what is due to us, do not receive anything free (gifts) from others

6th Step- Purity (saucam) : Keep body and mind clean. Have bath twice in a day

for body cleanliness. For mental cleanliness do Puja and prayer twice daily

without fail.

7th Step - Contentment (Santoshaha): Be contended with what you have.Avoid

luxurious things and lead a simple life.

8th Step - Thapas (Austerity) : Do anything (Bhakthi or any work) with full commitment

9th Step - Scriptural Study (Swadhyam): Daily read Scriptures like vedas, Bhagavadgita, Bhagavatam, Ramayanam,Mahabharatam etc. in any language

10th Step- Surrender to God(Iswara Pranidanam): Instead of getting attached to

material things and worldly relationship, consider God as everything and

surrender to Him

11th Step-Sitting for Meditation(Asana): Sit straight with comfort in a clean and calm


12th Step- Regulation of breathing(Pranayama):


13th Step -Withdrawing the senses: Withdraw five senses from (Pratyahara) worldly affairs.

14th Step - Focussing on the Lord : Withdraw mind from all (Daranam) thoughts and concentrate only on God

15th Step - Meditation ( Dhyanam) : Continue to contemplate on God with fixed mind

16th Step - Absorption (samadhi) : Getting absorbed by the thoughts of God without having any other thoughts.

17th Step _ Renouncing Papam (Papa Thyagam)

18th Step - Renouncing Punyam ( Punya Thyagam)

One has to follow the first sixteen disciplines with self effort and perseverance. Then Lord Iyyappa will help him to cross the seventeenth and eighteenth step. Sabarimala yatra culminates in Ghee Abhisekham which reveals devotee becoming one with the Lord. If one practices the above said disciplines of Iyyappa vratam during the prescribed period of 48/60 days, then in due course it would be possible to practice it throughout his life for attaining moksha.

Iyyappa is the Adiguru. He teaches sastra and hence called Dharmasasta. He is also the Lord. That is why He is Guru and Swamy - Gurusamy for all.

Iyyappa shows Chinmudra the symbol of moksha by bringing Thumb finger and pointing finger together. Thumb finger reveals Paramatma, Pointing finger reveals Jeevatma and the circle reveals Jeeva Brahma Ikkiyam. This is explicitly stated by the word 'TATVAMASI'- which is spontaneously visible at the sanctum santrum immediately after crossing the 18 steps of Sabarimala.

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