Thursday, November 30, 2006


One performs an action in order to enjoy the desired result. The problem is that the doer cannot completely determine the out-come. Otherwise every action that we do would produce what we want.

Expectation of a result is a projection on the basis of our knowledge of means and ends. But there are so many hidden variables (unknown factors) over which we have no control. Even the means employed by us to achieve a result, need not prove to be the correct means for achieving that end. We may have overlooked something, or our efforts may have to be aborted. Thus human being does not have the power to control even the known variables. What hope do we have of controlling unknown variables? What is unknown is greater than what is known? Only with reference to known variables, can one plan and do. We can take precautions. We can be cautious and very alert. But how are we going to control the unknown variables? We cannot, because we do not know what they are. That is why there are called hidden variables. Therefore in all cultures there is something called prayer (Prarthana) which is meant to take care of the hidden variables. If anybody says he does not require prayer, it means that he is not pragmatic.

One needs to live intelligently. Intelligent living is to seek help when one needs it. I know I have limited knowledge, and limited power. I don't control all the variables, and I can't determine the outcomes (results). Therefore I need to seek help. I seek the help of Isvara (God). This is how human life is lived intelligently.

I perform a prayer to neutralize the Papa gathered in this life or in previous lives that I have brought along with me, or I can also perform this karma (action) to earn grace. It is a nice way of understanding the role of a prayer as karma. It produces punya to control many hidden variables by neutralizing papa. By being prayerful, punya can be enhanced and papa can be neutralized. By being prayerful what could cost you your neck may cost you only your hat as it happened to Arjuna when the nagastra (Serpent missile) was released by Karna.

How To Pray?

Water may be available under ground, but one can have it only by the effort of tapping. The grace of the Lord is always for everyone, but one has to earn it. The sure way of earning it is by prayer in the form of Puja (worship), recitation and also mental Japa.
Prayer is an action (Karma) which has to produce a result like any other action. Ritualistic Prayer produces the most punya because 1) it involves materials and an Altar, entailing physical action 2) Mantras are involved, so the speech (vak) is used and 3) the mind, of course, is necessary for the successful execution of action (karma). Since all the organs (Karanams), mind, speech, hands and legs are involved; a ritual is the most efficacious of the actions (Karmas) in producing punya. Many other religions have lost ritual worship because they do not worship forms. Their prayers are primarily oral, meant for the congregation.
(Compiled from 'Prayer Guide' -Swami Dayananda Saraswati)


Without an object of desire, there is no prayer. I can pray either for the sake of achieving something for myself or for the sake of some one else. Yet even when I pray for the sake of another person, the prayer is still my prayer. I want the person to be happy, which really means that I want to be happy. Therefore a prayer for others is also for the sake of my own happiness.

The Two results of prayer:

One result of your prayer is immediate (drstaphala). By praying for something, such as mental clarity, you are recognizing another power, a power higher than yourself. You are also accepting the limitation of your own power and knowledge. This is simple pragmatism. To be objective, a person must know his or her limitations. Even when we know our limitations, often we do not want to accept them.

There is also an unseen result (adrastaphala) of prayer, which is where faith comes in. The doer, the agent of the action of prayer, says, "This is what I want". The action and the expressed desire bring about a result which is invisible and purely subtle in nature. This invisible result will manifest in time and is what we call grace. It is produced by the action and accrues to the doer of the action, the one who prays. Life is nothing but a mixture of Punya and Papa. Therefore, we find both the pleasant and the unpleasant happenings all the time.

The Efficacy of Prayer

Prayer is efficacious. You may say, "I have been praying, but nothing happens." But I would say, "If you did not pray, a lot of other things may have happened".

Prayer definitely produces some result according to the law of karma. All we have to do is pray. Thus prayer is a part of an intelligent person's efforts, an intelligent person being one who takes all the factors into account before doing something. When we take our limitations into account and offer a prayer, the law takes care of the results.

(Compiled from 'The purpose of Prayer'-Swami Dayananda)

Any religious pursuit becomes meaningful only when you understand Ishvara (God) properly. For Concept of Ishvara please refer Page 4 'Discourses on Certain important Topics' by Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswati.

1 comment:

ybr (alias ybrao a donkey) said...

A person has to undergo the rigors of accumulated good and bad actions from the past birth. Many scriptures hold that even Lord Vishnu cannot change them. Then, prayer cannot save head or hat. The aim of prayer should be foor chittaikagrata and chitta nairmaalyam. Promises of protection to a person who prays will be illogical.